The Center School

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Center School ~ Attendance

~ Attendance, Center School

Personal Message

Anderson, Rachel

Special Education Instructional Assistant
Kari Asadorian

Asadorian, Kari

School Nurse

Behrens, Anne

Health Specialist
Theresa Berkeridge

Berkeridge, Theresa

Occupational Therapist - Baily Gatzert

Elizabeth Buckner

Teacher - Special Education
Gerardine Carroll

Carroll, Gerardine

Teacher - Language Arts | Social studies

I am a 32-year veteran teacher who brings her energy to the classroom supporting students as they discuss, perform, debate, and write their ways through academic work. Though born in Ireland, I grew up on the East Coast, mainly in New York. I received my B.A. from the State University of New York College at Oswego and my M.A. from Fordham University. A National Board-Certified Teacher, I have taught in Catholic schools, public schools, and Seattle University. In addition to teaching, I stay active at TCS through several leadership roles.

Barbara Casey

Casey, Barbara Dr.


As an Instructional Leader, I have worked 27 years as an administrator (Kent-Meridian, Garfield, Interagency, Support Prevention and Intervention - MTSS/PBIS -SPS and delete Ballard, and now TCS) and as a high school science teacher (Sammamish and Newport HS - Bellevue SD), along with 12 years’ experience as an Adjunct Professor at Ashford University, Antioch U, City U, and SPU. My professional experience in schools includes strategic planning and guidance of organizational policies such as CSIP (Continuous School Improvement Plan) implementation and MTSS/PBIS intervention; proven abilities in data driven decisions in curriculum alignment and summative assessments such as EOC,HSPE, SBA and teacher directed formative assessments towards closing the opportunity gap for student learners.

Personal Message:
I believe that how we lead matters in the moment, in the month, in the day, in the hour and in our lifetime.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - quote by Margaret Mead - U.S. Anthropologist

Nathan Chipps

Chipps, Nathan

Teacher - Math

Personal Message

Teacher of mathematics. Two-thirds water.

Patricia Cooke

Cooke, Patricia

Teacher - Spanish

Crane, Jennifer

Teacher - Special Education

Crann, John

Instructional Assistant

D’Asaro, Andrea

Teacher-Special Education-XG | Academic Interventionist

Graves, Angel

Student & Family Advocate, 504 Building Coordinator, Homeless/McKinney Vento Program Building contact
Jonathan Greenberg

Greenberg, Jonathan

Teacher - Language Arts | Social Studies

Personal Message

One of the teachers who helped open The Center School in 2001, Jon Greenberg teaches poetry and 12th grade humanities, which integrates AP Language & Composition with American Government and Contemporary World Problems. He is not as funny as he thinks he is.

Michele Hayes

Hayes, Michele

Counselor, Homeless Program/McKinney Vento Program Building contact

This is my third year at The Center School. I have been an educator for over 20 years, working as a teacher, coach, and counselor. In my early career I worked in Everett and Mukilteo, and then moved to Las Vegas and worked in the Clark County school District. I moved backed to the Pacific Northwest seven years ago and worked at University Prep in Admissions for five years.

I received my bachelor's degree from Washington State University, where I also was a member of the Women's track and field team. I earned my Master's degree while working and taking care of my family at the University of Phoenix in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have a twenty four year old son and a fiancé who is a teacher in Seattle Public Schools.

I enjoy the outdoors when it's warm, reading, and meeting other people's dogs.

Marianne Jarnagan

Jarnagan, Marianne

Teacher - Science
Colin Kaparos

Kaparos, Colin

Teacher - Math
Beverly Lackey

Lackey, Beverly

Teacher - Theater & Health

Lapus, Angelica-Louise

Speech Therapist