What is Naviance?

Naviance is the district’s tool for students in grades 6th through 12th to explore colleges and career paths, analyze skills and talents with career and personality assessments and help stay on track to reach academic goals.
It is also part of your HSBP (High School Beyond Plan) graduation requirement!
Grade Level Tasks
Please view the list of tasks below for each grade level. Bolded with * are the priorities.
9th Grade
- Strength Explorer *
- Course Plan
10th Grade
- Achieve Works Personality Assessment *
- Resume
- Course Plan
11th Grade
- SuperMatch College Search & 2 Colleges *
- Resume
- Course Plan
12th Grade
- Interest Inventory (Strength Explorer or Achieve Works Personality Assessment) *
- Finalize Resume
- SPS Graduation Survey (Opens in March) *
Accessing Naviance
If you need support, please review the links below or reach out to your Career Center!